September 05 2022 0Comment
cremation services in Sand Springs, OK

Types of Urns You Can Buy for Cremation Services

Did you know that there are a lot of different types of urns that you can buy when planning a loved one’s cremation services in Sand Springs, OK? Most people think that all urns look like the metal urns that they see on TV shows and in movies. But in reality, there are all kinds of urns that you can invest in to hold a loved one’s remains. You should consider all your available options and go with the one that looks the best to you. Discover more about the most common types of urns below.


There is a reason why metal urns are seen on TV and in movies so often. They’re probably the most popular types of urns in this day and age. Families have come to appreciate the fact that they’re very strong and durable. They also like that it’s easy to engrave metal urns with almost any words and/or photos that you want. But maybe above all else, people love the price tags that are typically found on metal urns. They’re some of the most affordable kinds of urns around, which is why they aren’t going to go away anytime soon.


If there is one knock on metal urns, it’s that it can be very easy to knock one over. You can usually push a metal urn over with a single finger. Because of this, some families are wary of putting them out on display in their homes. They worry about what might happen if a metal urn gets knocked over. In this case, you might want to go with a stone urn instead. Stone urns are a lot heavier than metal urns in most instances and can’t be knocked over with ease. Stone urns are also very beautiful and decorative in nature. They’ll look great on a shelf in your home.


Wood urns are another fantastic option for those considering which types of urns they want to buy for their loved one’s cremated remains. Just like stone urns, they’re very decorative and will look amazing when you put them out on display in your home. But one thing that you’ll want to keep in mind is that wood urns aren’t always going to hold up well if they’re ever involved in a fire. If you’re concerned about the durability of the urn that you buy for a loved one, you might want to go ahead and look in another direction.

cremation services in Sand Springs, OK

Biodegradable materials

There are some families that plan to bury a loved one’s urn in the ground and worry about what will become of it over time. They don’t want a loved one’s urn to do any harm to the environment. If this is a concern that you have, you should look into purchasing an urn that is made out of biodegradable materials. An urn like this will break down over time once it has been buried in the ground so that it will have little to no impact on the planet. It’s one more type of urn that you might want to buy for a loved one’s remains when you’re planning their Sand Springs, OK cremation.

Do you want to look more into any of these types of urns? Our funeral home can speak more about them with families when they’re planning Sand Springs, OK cremations. Give us a call to discover more about the urns that we have available for your family.