Mary Lee Walton
May 20, 1956 - September 14, 2024
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Mary Lee Walton
May 20, 1956 - September 14, 2024
Mary Lee Walton was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 20, 1956 to Willie Pearl Walton and Clarence Walton. Mary was curious and rambunctious as a child. She attended several Tulsa public schools, including Robert Frost, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Monroe and Booker T. Washington. She was an outstanding track athlete in the public school system. Mary accepted Christ at an early age.
Mary also loved music and dancing. Her favorite music was rhythm and blues. She moved to Phoenix, Arizona along with her family as a young lady where she held several jobs in the maintenance field. After six years, she and family moved back to Tulsa. While she never married or had children of her own, she loved children of all ages and babysitting was one of her favorite pastimes.
Mary is survived by two brothers, Dwain Walton (Tulsa, Oklahoma) and Calvin Osborne (Fort Washington, Maryland). She is survived by one sister, Jacklyn Bolden (Tulsa, Oklahoma); and two nieces Clarke Osborne (Washington D.C.) and Reyna Osborne (Alexandria, Virginia). Mary was preceded in death by her parents, Clarence Walton and Willie Pearl Walton both of (Tulsa, Oklahoma); her brothers Norris Walton and Terrence Walton both of (Tulsa, Oklahoma) and Clark Osborne (Kansas City, Missouri); She will be missed by all. No services expected.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” -Psalm 23:4
3 responses to Mary Lee Walton
no name says:
October 3, 2024
Pamela Chandler says:
October 3, 2024
My love is always with you
Willie D Shannon, Sr. says:
September 27, 2024
Saddened to hear of your passing. Rest from your labors and until then…